Technical skills:
With the knowledge power of web design and the latest versions of technologies out there, I continuously come with new ideas and methodologies in creating more professional and successful web sites for the web and businesses!
A web site looks good because there is imagination and creativity in the process of creating that web site, but the web is in continuous changing and so is web design! Is not enough just to have a web site look good, but I always consider the functionality, accessibility, responsiveness and compatibility of a website design one of the most important aspects of a professional website.
What am I specialized in?
With the knowledge power of HTML 5, CSS 3 and JavaScript latest versions, I continuously come with new ideas and methodologies in creating more professional and successful websites for the web and businesses! These 3 technologies are my main focus on mastering them. I specialize in clean web design, standards and accessible websites design focusing on the usability and accessibility.
I also do have great experience in the planning , designing and developing of websites from scratch, from PSD to html and up to CMS custom websites with WordPress. I have a good understanding of the whole processes as well as a good listening ear to details on project requirements and specifications.
ADOBE (Prototyping & Mock-ups)